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Connect with other members locally. Members are grouped into Regions and within those Regions are local Divisions or Sections based on geographic location. Regions, Divisions, and Sections promote membership on a local level, hold many meetings during the General Session and organize events throughout the year.
IADR Sections
IADR Sections shall be an organization of the Association and the Region in a locality or contiguous localities. IADR members in good standing who have been members of the Association for one continuous year (not counting student members), shall be eligible to start the process.
Creating a new IADR Section increases the opportunity to share research and network. The goal of creating a Section within IADR is to ultimately grow into a Division of IADR, while presenting growth in not only membership but also research and conducting scientific meetings at a local level.
The first step to create an IADR Section is to verify that the Section has not been established before or whether the Section is included in an IADR Division. Please visit the IADR website to find a complete list of IADR Divisions/Sections. If you have any questions regarding establishing an IADR Section, please contact Riana Hays, membership coordinator, at rhays@iadr.org.
1. The proposed Section should have a minimum of 10 Members, who have each been members of IADR for one continuous year (not counting student members).
2. The proposed Section should submit a letter of request to the IADR Board and Council for the Section status explaining the interest or need to establish a new Section and how the formation of the Section will help grow the association membership.
3. The proposed Section should submit a Constitution and Bylaws to the IADR for review. (Please click here to download the Constitution and Bylaws template to start the process)
4. The proposed Section should submit the preliminary officers’ information. The proposed Section should submit the list of preliminary officers to govern the Section: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Councilor (more positions might be added). All initial Section officer positions are nominated by the proposed Section. Once the Section is established, they shall follow nomination procedures that are outlined in their Constitution.
These documents are then reviewed by the IADR Board and, if approved, will move to the IADR Council for final review. Please contact rhays@iadr.org to submit the necessary documents and/or ask about the deadlines.
*Please note that after the new Section is approved by the IADR Council during the IADR Meeting, the IADR Constitution requires IADR Sections to hold annual meetings, maintain a minimum of 10 members, send a non-voting observer to IADR Council and report annually to the IADR Global Headquarters (GHQ).
IADR Division (Upgrade from IADR Section)
If an IADR Section has been active for at least a year, has reached a minimum of 50 members (full members, not students or retired members) and has presented growth in not only membership but also research and conducting scientific meetings at a local level, the Section may be eligible to be upgraded to Division status.
From the IADR Constitution:
Article IV. Section 1. (B) DIVISIONS. Members of the Association in any nation or group of geographically related nations, with the approval of the Council, may organize a Division after maintaining Section status for one year and having demonstrated the ability to conduct scientific and business sessions during this period. A Division will be comprised of a minimum number of members as specified in the Bylaws.
Please contact Riana Hays, membership coordinator, at rhays@iadr.org to request the current Section membership list and verify the minimum required number of members to continue this application.
IADR GHQ requests to all IADR Sections that wish to become a Division to send a letter of intent describing the purpose and how it will serve the membership. The Section should also revise its Constitution and Bylaws to reflect the change to Division status.
This document is then reviewed by the IADR Board and, if approved, will move to IADR Council for final review. Please contact rhays@iadr.org to ask about the deadlines.
*Please note that after the new Division is approved by the IADR Council during the IADR Meeting, the IADR Constitution requires IADR Divisions to hold annual meetings, maintain a minimum of 50 members, send a Councilor to IADR Council and report annually to the IADR GHQ.
Questions about creating a new Division or Section?