world map

Move Research into Action

IADR is the premier international membership association for dental, oral, and craniofacial research for health and well-being worldwide. With your support, we have connected people across the globe and across multiple disciplines, encouraged young researchers, and created opportunities for scientific exchange, resulting in advancing oral health research and its applications on a global scale.

Researcher in Lab

Your Investment in IADR

Your charitable support enables IADR to provide the funding and resources to successfully promote and implement initiatives designed to strengthen and connect a diverse global research workforce including, but not limited to:

Travel and research support for scientific researchers in low and middle-income countries through grants and awards.

Outreach to countries without capacity by fostering young investigators’ research through fellowships and membership funding.

Assistance for researchers in Low and Middle-income Countries through the IADR Adopt-A-Member program. This program financially supports members in areas of the world who may not be financially able to pay IADR dues or to attend the IADR General Session.

Regional Development Grants promote oral health research worldwide with specific emphasis on assisting and educating regions with less developed research programs.

Online educational resources offer accessible continuing education credit and the latest insights into dental, oral, and craniofacial research.

Access to the leading scientific meeting for dental, oral, and craniofacial research, the IADR General Session & Exhibition.

Team in a lab

Case for Support

Your charitable support enables IADR to provide the funding and resources to successfully promote and implement initiatives designed to strengthen and connect a diverse global research workforce including.

Annual Support

Awards Programs

Lois Cohen

"IADR has always been the anchor for so many communications and nurturing solid relationships over the years, binding our community together."

Lois Cohen

National Institutes of Health (NIH), and inaugural IADR Legacy Society donor


Move research into action


Contact me to discuss giving opportunities

Sheri S. Herren

Director of Strategic Programs

Email me