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IADR Global Headquarters

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Phone: +1.703.548.0066

Christopher H. FoxChief Executive Officer
Jean AustinMeetings & Exhibits Manager
Isabel BishopPublications Coordinator
Heylyn BustamanteMembership & Registration Coordinator
Makyba Charles-AyindeDirector of Science Policy
Christopher FlowAssistant Director, Digital Strategy & Operations
Taita GildeAMER & APR Coordinator
Riana HaysComponent Relations Coordinator
Sheri S. HerrenDirector of Strategic Programs
Fabiana IzabelLAR & PER Coordinator
Brenda Marie MorenoExecutive Assistant to the Chief Executive Officer
Beatrice NguyenAssistant Manager, Awards, Fellowships, & Grants
Matt Niner Membership & Marketing Manager
Sherry Nipas-HartDigital Content Coordinator
Aubrey PalarMembership Engagement Manager
Pete QuinlivanChief Financial Officer
Tonya L. RobertsonSenior Accountant
Conner RoyScientific Content Coordinator
Kourtney SkinnerDirector, Meetings & Scientific Content
Denise StreszoffChief Operating Officer
Yehuda SugarmanDirector of Government Affairs
Zoe YangAssistant Controller