
IADR Vice-president Nominations

IADR Vice-President

IADR is seeking nominees for the position of IADR Vice-president (2027-2028). Names of potential candidates must be received by August 1, 2025

Self-nominations are encouraged! If you would like to nominate a candidate other than yourself, please visit www.iadr.org/IADR-Nominations

Any IADR member may nominate individuals for IADR Vice President. Nominees must have had prior service to IADR as a Division, Section, or Group Officer, or as a Councilor, or as a Committee Chair or Committee Member. 

Elected Individuals will serve four years on the IADR Board. The four years consist of:

  • First Year: Vice-president
  • Second Year: President-elect
  • Third Year: President
  • Fourth Year: Immediate Past President

Candidates may stand for election of Vice President two times in total.

Section 1. NOMINATIONS BY THE COUNCIL. One or more nominations for Vice-president shall be made by the Council, and announcement of the nomination(s) shall be mailed to each member of the Association not fewer than four months before the date of the next annual General Session, and in a form to indicate that other nominations may be made by petition.

Section 2. NOMINATIONS BY PETITION. Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by 25 members of the Association and received by the Executive Director not more than 45 days after the mailing of the announcement of the Council nominations.

Section 3. NOTICE OF NOMINATIONS. Before the next annual General Session, the nominations for Vice-president shall be sent by the Executive Director to all members of the Association on an official ballot for a vote by mail to be reported at that meeting. The nominations shall be sent no fewer than eight weeks before the due date for the return of the ballots to the Executive Director.

Section 4. ELECTION. A plurality of votes cast shall elect to each office, in accordance with the Bylaws.

View the Full IADR Constitution & Bylaws

IADR Vice-president Candidate Nomination

This form is for self-nomination and completion of candidate details. To nominate someone else visit the IADR Nomination page

Candidate Name


Individuals submitted for candidacy will first be reviewed by the IADR Nominating Committee. The committee will submit a list of candidates to the IADR Board of Directors, who select the slate of candidates presented to the IADR Council to appear on the ballot during the 2026 IADR General Election. Elected candidates will officially begin their terms the final day of the 2027 IADR/APR General Session & Exhibition in Melbourne, Australia. 

A biosketch (2 pages) and recommendation letter (1 page) are required and must be uploaded above. A complete curriculum vitae should not be submitted.

Suggested areas to highlight include:

• Research Conducted
• Contributions to IADR
• Mentoring Activity
• Your Vision in this Role

Authors of letters of recommendations can also submit them via email to rhays@iadr.org. 

2 page limit. Should not include CV.
1 page limit. 

Questions about submitting your nomination?

Riana Hays

Component Relations Coordinator

Email me