
Raphael Freitas de Souza
Prosthodontics Group Councilor

Raphael de Souza Headshot

Dr. Raphael de Souza is a clinician-scientist specializing in prosthodontics, focusing on oral rehabilitation and edentulous patient care. He has attended State University of Sao Paulo (Araraquara, Brazil) for his DDS degree in 2001, and graduate studies in Prosthodontics – MSc in 2003 and PhD in 2005. He worked as a faculty at University of Sao Paulo (Ribeirao Preto, Brazil) from 2006 to 2016, and since then he is an associate professor at McGill University (Montreal, Canada). He has been a member of the IADR since 2005.

Dr de Souza’s extensive experience in coordinating randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews spans collaborations with researchers from Brazil, Canada, and Chile. Enthusiastic about evidence-based dentistry, Dr. de Souza combines scientific methods with clinical skills, emphasizing public health and interdisciplinarity. His research primarily targets cost-effective treatments for edentulism and innovative prosthodontic techniques. Additionally, he investigates conservative treatments for Candida-associated infections in dental prostheses, such as denture stomatitis.