
Research Publications

Members enjoy online subscriptions to the official publications of the IADR/AADOCR, the Journal of Dental Research and JDR Clinical & Translational Research, providing members access to the latest dental, oral, and craniofacial research.

Online access provides members content prior to print publication in OnlineFirst, Editor's Choice collections, podcasts, RSS feeds, and social media links to enhance your reading and sharing experience.

Journal of Dental Research

The JDR holds a 2-year impact factor in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category at 5.7 ranking #4 of 157 journals. This news comes from the 2024 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2023). The impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year and helps to evaluate a journal’s relative importance, especially when compared with others in the same field.

JDR Clinical & Translational Research

The JDR Clinical & Translational Research is a quarterly publication. The peer-reviewed journal is dedicated to publishing original dental, oral, and craniofacial research at the interface between discovery science and clinical application with the translation of research into healthcare delivery systems at the individual patient, clinical practice, and community levels. The JDR CTR hold a 2-year impact factor in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category at 2.2 ranking #52 of 157 journals.

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Do you need more information about IADR publications?

Kourtney Skinner

Director, Meetings and Scientific Content

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