Innovation in Implantology Research
This innovation award is aimed at mid-career investigators with up to 10 years of independent research experience. While students and distinguished researchers are well represented in IADR awards, there are less opportunities for mid-career investigators. This award recognizes rising stars whose innovative research has a potential to advance implantology. One award is given annually for $2,000.
Applications Open:
Dec 01, 2021
Applications Closed:
Apr 30, 2023
- Must be an IADR Member
- Be members of the Implantology Research Group
- Not hold a full professorship or chairmanship
- Have up to 10 years of independent research experience, i.e no more than 10 years of completion of their terminal degree, or after first junior faculty appointment.
- Have contributed significantly to implant and/or peri-implant biological and clinical research.
Nomination packages must be submitted by January 31st of each year but has been extended to April 30th, 2023 this year, and must include:
- A recommendation/ nomination letter which confirms the above listed eligibility criteria. No self nominations will be accepted.
- The candidate's Curriculum Vita.
- A brief statement of how the applicant’s innovative research has a potential to advance implantology research
- Five best publications.
The nomination packages submitted are reviewed by the Awards subcommittee of the IRG that is composed of all the board members and subcommittee members.

No recipient selected
Please submit all application materials to