
IADR DMG Science Peyton-Skinner & Ryge-Mahler Awards

The Dental Materials Group (DMG) of the IADR makes two annual awards in recognition of the past contributions to Dental Materials science and research by four outstanding DMG scientists: Dr. Floyd Peyton, Dr. Eugene Skinner, Dr. Gunnar Ryge and Dr. David Mahler. The awards are made to recognize scientists who throughout their careers have made outstanding contributions to (1) innovation in dental materials (Peyton-Skinner award) and, (2) clinical research in dental materials (Ryge-Mahler award).

Award Prize/Recognition

$2,000 and Award Plaque

Key Dates

Applications Open:

Jun 03, 2024

Applications Closed:

Jan 31, 2025

  • Must be a current or past member of the IADR Dental Materials Group.
  • Has made significant contributions to innovation in dental materials (Peyton-Skinner award) or clinical research in dental materials (Ryge-Mahler award).

2024 Recipients

Ryge-Mahler Award

No Recipient for 2024

Peyton-Skinner Award

Lorenzo Breschi, University of Bologna, Italy

Questions about the award?

Vinicius Rosa

Award Contact

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Questions about the award?

Salvatore Sauro

Award Contact

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