Upcoming Events

Webinar: Decolonizing Oral Health Research, Methodologies, and Education


IADR Network

Sponsored by GOHIRN

IADR Webinar Platform

The IADR Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (GOHIRN) is hosting an interactive, virtual webinar the second in a series that targets early career researchers and students. This session aims to empower the future generation of academics to consider equitable collaborations, improving the diversity of publications, and self-reflecting on Euro-American centric approaches in academia. Considering the perspectives of the diverse groups of academics and populations we serve is essential to conducting research that can have a meaningful impact.

This webinar will be held on Zoom and feature speakers who can share their experiences of decolonizing oral health research, methodologies and education. The speakers will provide advice on practical steps that early career researchers and students can take to decolonize their own practice and advocate for change within their institutions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand which practices contribute to Euro-American centric approaches within research and their impact on oral health research inequity
  2. Discuss practical ways in which researchers and educators can reflect upon and challenge their own Euro-American centric approaches
  3. Learn of opportunities the panelists are engaged in and avenues of community involvement, make meaningful connections, become involved within the GOHIRN network, and create links to engage in future research, policy, and clinical care collaborations

Sponsored By:

IADR Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (GOHIRN)