
IADR POHR Group Pediatric Dentistry Working Group Travel Award

The IADR is inviting applications for a travel award from IADR members from Africa who have submitted an abstract to support their attendance at the IADR General Session. The objective of this award program is to encourage African investigators to undertake research in any area related to pediatric oral health and present their findings at the IADR General Session & Exhibition. The award is sponsored by PDWG and consists of $1,000 to attend the IADR General Session.

Award Prize/Recognition
  • $1,000
  • Award Certificate
Key Dates

Applications Open:

Aug 01, 2024

Applications Closed:

Jan 24, 2025

  • IADR members who are also members of the IADR Pediatric Oral Health Research (POHR) group and reside in Africa are eligible to apply for the travel award.
  • Entrants must have submitted an abstract to the POHR group to be considered for presentation at the IADR meeting for which the award is given.
  • Applicants must be IADR and POHR members in good standing.
  • Applicants must present their research at the IADR meeting in order to be eligible to receive the travel award.
  • Applicants can only apply under one category of the Pediatric Oral Health Research Group Awards in any given year.

Sponsored by Pediatric Dentistry Working Group

Pediatric Dentistry Working Group

2024 Award Recipient

Randa Yassin

Alexandria University

Randa Yassin

Questions about this award?

Varangkanar Jirarattanasopha

Award Contact

Email me

Questions about this award?

Leola Royston

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Education Development and Academic Support Manager

Email me