
IADR Pediatric Oral Health Research Group Student Award

The Pediatric Oral Health Research Group of IADR has established this award to support and recognise excellence in research focused on the oral health of children and adolescents by young scientists and students (DMD/DDS students, postgraduate students/resident in specialty training postgraduate/certificate programs). The winner will receive a Certificate of Recognition and $1000 USD. 

Award Prize/Recognition
  • $1000
  • Award Certificate
Key Dates

Applications Open:

Aug 01, 2024

Applications Closed:

Jan 24, 2025

  • Must be members of the Pediatric Oral Health Research Group.
  • Should be dental students, MS/MSD candidates or residents in certificate programs.
  • Applicants are required to submit evidence to confirm eligibility for this award (e.g. evidence of enrolment/letter from Dean or specialty program director) at the time of abstract submission
  • Applicants can only apply under one category of the Pediatric Oral Health Research Group Awards in any given year.

2024 Award Recipient

Kazune Catherine Pax

Ohio State University College of Dentistry

Kazune Pax headshot

Questions about the Award?

Varangkanar Jirarattanasopha

Award Contact

Email me

Questions about the Award?

Leola Royston

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Education Development and Academic Support Manager

Email me