Press Releases

Kathryn Kell Named 2020 Recipient of the IADR Honorary Membership Award

Published on: May 6, 2020

Alexandria, Va., USAMay 6, 2020 – The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) announced Kathryn Kell, Past President of FDI, as the 2020 recipient of the IADR Honorary Membership Award.

In 1979, Kell received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and a Masters in Health Care Administration from St. Ambrose University in 1999.

In 2016, she was the first to receive the University of Iowa College of Dentistry’s Leadership Award and previously was honored as the Dental Alumna of the Year Award in 2012. In 2010-12, she chaired the University of Iowa Alumni Association after serving as a member for six years. She is a strong supporter of the UI and the College of Dentistry as a member of the U of I’s President’s Club, several UI College of Dentistry Campaign committees, and serving on the Dental Alumni Association Board.

Kell is past president of the FDI World Dental Federation and is a member of their Executive Committee. She previously was an FDI Council member as the North American Liaison and is the past Chair of the FDI’s Education Committee also serving on the FDI Science Committee and FDI Strategic Planning sessions. From 2004-2008 she was on the Board of Trustees for the American Dental Association after serving on numerous Councils and Committees.

Kell is a member of the American College of Dentists, International College of Dentists, Academy of Dentistry International, American Association of Health Care Executives and Delta Mu Delta Honorary Society, and a member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy. Kell is a Past-president of the Iowa Dental Association and the Davenport Dental Association. She was the President of the American Association of Women Dentists and national President in 1988-89. She received their AAWD Lucy Hobbs Taylor Woman Dentist of the Year Award in 2007.

The IADR Honorary Membership is decided by the five most recent living IADR past presidents who are no longer serving on the Board and given to a person who has made significant contributions to and/or supports dental research.

Due to the cancellation of the 2020 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, the award was given locally.

About the International Association for Dental Research

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is a nonprofit organization with over 10,000 individual members worldwide, with a Mission to drive dental, oral and craniofacial research to advance health and well-being worldwide. To learn more, visit