Press Releases

IADR/AADR Announce the JDR’s 2019 Impact Factor

Published on: June 30, 2020

Alexandria, Va., USA – Today, the International and American Associations for Dental Research announced the Journal of Dental Research (JDR) 2-year Impact Factor in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category at 4.914. This news comes from the just released 2020 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2019). The Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year and helps to evaluate a journal’s relative importance, especially when compared with others in the same field.

The JDR continues to rank #1 of 91 journals in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category, in Eigenfactor with a score of 0.019860. The JDR ranks #3 in Impact Factor of 91 journals, #2 without self-citations, as well as #2 of 91 in Article Influence with a score of 1.627. The JDR’s 5-year Impact Factor remained above 5 for the fifth year at 5.844 — ranking #2 of 91 journals. With over 20,000 citations, the JDR also boasts the most citations in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category, over 3,500 citations above the 2nd ranked journal in the field.

“We attribute much of our success to former Editor-in-Chief William Giannobile,” said JDR Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Jakubovics. “His leadership, coupled with high-quality authors, breakthrough research and a dedicated team of reviewers and editors make JDR one of the most trusted, notable resources in dental, oral and craniofacial research.

The Journal Impact Factor was developed in the mid-1960s by Eugene Garfield, of the Institute for Scientific Information, and is now part of Clarivate Analytics (Philadelphia, Pa., USA). It is based on the premise that the more often the articles in a particular journal are referenced by other articles, the greater the "impact" that journal has in its field. The Impact Factor is calculated by Clarivate Analytics on an annual basis and is available only through Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports®Journal Citation Reports® is a registered trademark of Clarivate Analytics. All rights reserved.

About the Journal of Dental Research

The IADR/AADR Journal of Dental Research is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge in all sciences relevant to dentistry and the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease.

International Association for Dental Research

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is a nonprofit organization with over 10,000 individual members worldwide, with a Mission to drive dental, oral and craniofacial research to advance health and well-being worldwide. To learn more, visit The American Association for Dental Research (AADR) is the largest Division of IADR with 3,100 members in the United States. To learn more, visit