
Wilmer Souder, A.M., Ph.D.
The Seventeenth President of IADR, 1940-41

Image of Wilmer Souder

Born 21 February 1884, Salem, Indiana, USA

Died 8 April 1974
(In Memoriam J Dent Res 53: 1117, 1974)

Inaugural Address delivered at Philadelphia, 14 March 1940
Topic: On exploitation of dentistry by manufacturers' false advertising claims
J Dent Res 19: 276-278, 1940

Farewell Address delivered at St. Louis, 16 March 1941
"Loyalty to Our Association and to Our Protecting Nation"
J Dent Res 20: 217-220, 1941

National Bureau of Standards, 1911-54

Chief, Metrology Division, 1945-54

Souder (DMG) Award named in his honor