Born May 21, 1924, Strasbourg, France
Died August 7, 2020.
In Memoriam
Robert Frank: A Pioneer and Visionary Scientist in Oral Medicine
J Dent Res 100(12): 1309-1312, 2021.
Inaugural Address delivered at Sydney, Australia, August 1, 1983:
"The Need for an International Association for Dental Research"
J Dent Res 62(11):1102-1103, 1983
- Dental School, Strasbourg, 1947-52
- Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 1958-59
- Dental School, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 1967
- University of Manchester (England), 1979-85
- Dental Research Center of Strasbourg, 1968-90
- Université Louis Pasteur, Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire, Strasbourg, Professor, Dean, 1970-92
- Professor emeritus, 1993
- Editor, J Biol Buccale, Arch Oral Biol, Calcif Tissue Res