
Paul C. Kitchin, D.D.S., M.S.
The Fourteenth President of IADR, 1937-38

Image of Paul C. Kitchin

Born October 8, 1891, Toledo, Ohio, USA
Died June 16, 1972, Fife Lake, Michigan, USA

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 51: 1524, 1972

Inaugural Address delivered at Baltimore, 14 March 1937
"Brief Thanks"
J Dent Res 16: 295-297, 1937

Farewell Address delivered at Minneapolis, 13 March 1938.
"On microscopy in dentistry"
J Dent Res 17: 274-289, 1938

  • Chairman:
    ADA Research Section, 1935
    NIDR Dental Study Section, 1946-49
  • National Advisory Council on Dental Research, NIH, 1949-52
  • Ohio State University College of Dentistry, 1925-57
    Professor, Oral Histology & Embryology
  • Secretary, AAAS Nd, 1940-44