Born January 11, 1900, Efingar, Russia, USA
Died June 5, 1964, Chicago, Illinois, USA
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 43: 638, 1964
Presidential remarks delivered at St. Louis, March 16, 1941:
"The Problem of Integration in Dental Research, Training and Clinical Practice"
J Dent Res 20: 221-230, 1941
Farewell Address delivered at New York City, March 14, 1942
"The Work and Functions of the IADR"
J Dent Res 21: 285-289, 1942
- University of Illinois College of Dentistry, 1924-64: Professor, Histology, 1935-64
- Dean, 1955-64
- Secretary, AAAS Nd, 1946-49
- Schour (IADR) Award named in his honor