
Holmes T. Knighton, D.D.S.
The Thirty-seventh President of IADR, 1960-61

Image of Holmes T. Knighton

Born September 15, 1902, Bellamy, Alabama, USA
Died January 16, 1980

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 59: 1109, 1980

Inaugural Address delivered at Chicago, March 19, 1960:
"An Evaluation of Clinical Research in Dentistry"
J Dent Res 39: 649-652, 1960

  • University of Georgia, Faculty member, 1933-34
  • Medical College of Virginia, Faculty member, 1934-36
  • University of Louisville School of Dentistry, Faculty member, 1936-46
  • Washington University at St. Louis, Professor, Microbiology, 1946-50
  • Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry, 1951-
    Professor, Dentistry & Microbiology