Born August 25, 1893, Winstanley Park, Illinois, USA
Died May 14, 1962, Evanston, Illinois, USA
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 42: 3, 1963
Presidential Address delivered at Chicago, March 19, 1944.
Topic: On progress in epidemiology
J Dent Res 23: 183-188, 1944
Farewell Address delivered at Chicago, May 27, 1945.
Topic: IADR business administration improvements; comments on meeting cancellation
J Dent Res 24: 189-191, 1945
- First Dental Officer, National Institutes of Health, 1931
- Dental Director, U.S. Public Health Service, 1945-53
- First Director, National Institute of Dental Research, 1948-53
- President, American Association of Military Dental Surgeons, 1937
- H. Trendley Dean (IADR) Award named in his honor