Born May 19, 1921, Elgin, Illinois, USA
Died April 13, 2009, Columbia, Maryland, USA
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 88: 489, 2009
Inaugural Address delivered at New York City, March 18, 1970:
"The Next Fifty Years—New Goals"
J Dent Res 49: 961-965, 1970
- Northwestern University Dental School
Chief, Dental Department, Children's Memorial Hospital of Chicago, 1948-53
Head of Dental Research Laboratory, USNTC, Bainbridge, Maryland, 1954-58
Head of Research and Science Division, Naval Dental School, Washington, D.C., 1960-65
Officer in Charge and Scientific Director, Naval Dental Research Institute, USNTC, Great Lakes, Illinois, 1965-69
Dental Research Program Director, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, and Dental Research Adviser, Office of Naval Research, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C., 1969-