
George C. Paffenbarger, D.D.S.
The Thirty-first President of IADR, 1954-55

Image of George C. Paffenbarger

Born November 3, 1902, McArthur, Ohio, USA
Died December 14, 1985

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 78: 1672, 1999

Inaugural Address delivered at French Lick Springs, Indiana, March 21, 1954:
"The International Aspects of Our Association with Special Emphasis on Japan"
J Dent Res 33: 637-643, 1954

  • National Bureau of Standards, 1929-40
    Senior Research Associate, American Dental Association, at NBS, 1946-70
  • President, William J. Gies Foundation for the Advancement of Dentistry, 1966