Each IADR Region has a designated Regional Staff Coordinator for support in local language and time zones. Changes in leadership can be reported to them for record keeping. Regional Staff Coordinators collect Division/Section annual reports, assist in arranging board meetings, take minutes, and assist in the management of regional meetings. The contacts are as follows:
AMER and APR Regional Officer
Taita Gilde
Email: @emailLAR and PER Regional Officer
Fabiana Izabel
Email: @emailNAR Regional Officer
Riana Hays
Email: @email -
Registration Collection
IADR Regions, Divisions, and Sections now have the option to utilize the IADR online registration platform to streamline their registration process for meetings. The Organizer must complete the corresponding IADR Registration Questionnaire to initiate the setup of the registration site. Configuration will be completed within parameters outlined in the IADR registration template. The completed form must emailed to @email no later than ten weeks prior to the registration start date. Timelines provided in the questionnaire must take into consideration the required ten-week configuration time. IADR GHQ registration staff will manage the registration site.Zoom Meeting Call Coordinator
IADR offers Divisions and Sections the opportunity to have an open Zoom meeting for board meetings. IADR is unable to support larger meetings of division/section members over Zoom. Zoom meetings set up by IADR GHQ for Division/Section officer meetings will be open. Division/Section officers will be provided with a link to join the meeting with no waiting room. There will be no IADR GHQ support and no participant of the call will have admin privileges. This means anyone that has been provided the personalized meeting link can join and have the same ability to unmute or share screen. If Divisions/Section officers require additional Zoom functions like breakout rooms, more control, or to have a meeting with a larger audience, officers should purchase their own licenses outside IADR GHQ support. Contact @email for assistance.IADR Webinars & CE On Demand Library
Divisions or Sections are welcome to host an open Webinar; proposals can be submitted using the webinar submission form. For questions contact research@iadr.org.Region/Division/Section Abstract Collection Guidelines
IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections have the option to utilize the IADR (ScholarOne) online abstracts program to receive, review and schedule abstracts for their local meetings. IADR Global Headquarters provides this service to Regions/Divisions/Sections as a membership benefit. IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections must complete the IADR Abstracts Questionnaire and allow six weeks for set up. Please visit the Regions/Division/Section Abstract Collection Guidelines website for more details. Any further questions regarding abstract submission can be directed to @email.Region/Division/Section Offline Abstracts Submission
If your Region/Division/Section opts to collect abstracts outside of the IADR’s ScholarOne Abstracts system, the data must be submitted to IADR Global Headquarters in the format in the Offline Abstract Collection Template. We are unable to accept abstracts for upload to the abstract archive in any other formats. Questions may be directed to @email.Meeting Space during IADR General Session
IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections may schedule meeting space during the IADR General Session to hold business meetings, receptions, executive officer meetings, award competitions or other events. All requests will be fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis as space is available. To request in person or virtual meeting space at the 2025 IADR/PER General Session, please complete the required Meeting Request Form by November 1, 2024. Please note that any request for meeting space submitted after this date cannot be guaranteed in the convention center or headquarters hotel. Meetings requested after the deadline may not appear in the program book. Any further questions regarding meeting space or catering can be directed to @email.English Language Assistance Program (ELAP)
IADR/AADOCR offers an English Language Assistance Program (ELAP) to assist non-native English speaking abstract submitters during the abstracts submission process. This program is made possible through the generous support of our IADR Scientific Group/Network colleagues who have agreed to volunteer as ELAP abstract reviewers. IADR hopes that this program will encourage individuals to submit abstracts for meetings by facilitating the improvement of English language skills within the research community. ELAP participants are required to submit their abstracts twice – once to the program for editing and matching with a volunteer, and again to the meeting abstract submission site after English language editing has been completed.Individuals interested in applying for the ELAP and who intend to submit a meeting abstract should visit the ELAP Form for more information. If you have any questions regarding the ELAP, or would like to volunteer as a reviewer, please contact @email.
Proceedings of the IADR and AADOCR Council Meetings
View current and recent proceedings of the IADR on the About IADR WebpageIADR Corporate Sponsorship Policy
The purpose of the IADR Corporate Sponsorship Policy is to define the relationship between corporate sponsors and the IADR Divisions/Sections in regards to support for the IADR General Session, Annual Meetings and other activities of the IADR Divisions/Sections such as awards, fellowships and grant programs. -
Holding Accounts
Each Division/Section retains control of the funds collected for membership (not including student members). The GHQ will maintain the record of payments to each Division/Section and communicate with the officers on a quarterly basis or as requested. Invoices and/or payments are not initiated by the GHQ without written notice from the Secretary/Treasurer. How funds are administered is decided by the officers, but must be consistent with the Mission of the IADR, follow all U.S. non-profit 501(c)3 guidelines, i.e. no political contributions, and must follow the IADR Corporate Sponsorship Guidelines. Payment requests require confirmation from two officers in the form of an email.Approval Process
All use of holding account funds must be approved by two officers. Requests are most often submitted by the Secretary/Treasurer and approved by the President. If the recipient is an officer, then two additional officers must approve the payment. Corresponding payment forms and documentation should be submitted via email to Riana Hays, Component Relations Coordinator, at @email for processing. To expedite the process, the secondary officer can be copied on the same request and prompted to reply with approval.Finance Forms Payment Request via wire transfer: Download Expense Reimbursement: Download Invoice Request for IADR to provide invoice to a vendor for services or for a sponsorship: Download Prepaid Membership: Download Prepaid Registration IADR General Session: Download -
E-blasts/Email Marketing
The IADR Global Headquarters can provide assistance with disseminating messaging to your audience. If you have a message you need to send to your Region/Division/Section members, please contact Riana Hays, Component Relations coordinator, at @email to coordinate scheduling. Once your message content is ready, send the text as well as the subject title to the Component Relations Coordinator for layout and distribution. This process and instructions apply to newsletters, election notices, business meetings and general news updates.Membership Lists
Current officers can request an electronic membership list for their Region/Division/Section. To take advantage of this, please contact Riana Hays, Component Relations coordinator, at @email if you would like to receive your Region/Division/Section membership list. Membership lists will be sent to all current officers after their written acknowledgement that they have read and agreed with the IADR/AADOCR Data Governance Policy.Membership Payment Guidelines
IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections Officers often send lists of renewing and new members to IADR Global Headquarters for processing by various methods of payment (Holding Account funds, Adopt-a-Member funds, wire transfers, check or credit card). To ensure efficiency in entering membership payments, IADR Global Headquarters has developed a Membership Payment Template. Officers may complete this file with the necessary information for each member. Below are instructions for completing this template:
1. Please complete as much information as possible. IADR requires a mailing address to mail membership cards, and an email address for important communications.
2. If a member is a renewing/past member, please enter their Member ID in the appropriate column. New members can be designated with NEW in the Member ID column.
3. If a member is a student, please select one of the student types from the column marked Student Type using the drop-down box provided, and provide a graduation date in the column marked Expected Graduation Date.
4. Members and Student Members are required to select one included Scientific Group/Network as part of their IADR membership. Please select a Group/Network from the drop-down box in the column marked Scientific Group/Networks.
5. Please save the template as Membership Payment (ex. Brazilian Division Membership Payment 2023).
6. IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections membership payment lists and any additional questions regarding the process may be directed to Riana Hays, Component Relations Coordinator, at @email.Adopt-a-Member Program
The IADR Adopt-a-Member Program began in 1996. The purpose of the program was to provide IADR members with the opportunity to support colleagues who did not have the means to become a member and also support oral and dental researchers in developing parts of the world.Designed to provide IADR members with the opportunity to support colleagues who did not have the means to become members, the program aims to support oral and dental researchers in developing parts of the world. IADR members can contribute to the Adopt-a-Member Program during the annual dues invoicing process. Donations collected during the current membership year are then available to eligible Divisions/Sections in the following membership year. Funds may be applied to General Session registration only for individuals that are not renewed or registered for the meeting at the time of submission. Please visit the Adopt-A-Member page for program details and eligibility requirements. Any questions regarding the Adopt-a-Member Program can be sent to Riana Hays, @email.
Highlight your Region/Division/Section in the IADR Newsletter
Share what is happening with your Region/Division/Section with the membership. IADR would like to feature each Region/Division/Section in the Global Research Update. Sharing your story will to assist the other Regions/Divisions/Sections in developing new initiatives and potential collaborations. Please forward articles to @email.Web Page hosting
IADR uses branding standards and style guides to maintain a consistent look across Association marketing and communications. As an IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections officer, you can request the publication of a web page hosted by IADR. The standard page includes an officers list, the Region/Division/Section Constitution and Bylaws, applicable newsletters and any news you wish to include. Please contact Riana Hays, Component Relations Coordinator, at @email if you would like to create, update, or launch a web page for your Region/Division/Section.IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections Meeting Announcements
IADR offers space on its main website for your Region/Division/Section to announce future annual meetings planned outside of the IADR General Session. These announcements will appear on the IADR website future meetings page. IADR has dedicated space on the website to assist you in the promotion of your Region/Division/Section annual meeting occurring outside of the IADR General Sessions. Please send the information (name of the event, date, place and website if applicable) to Riana Hays at @email.Other Meeting Announcements
IADR also offers space on its website for your Region/Division/Section to announce future meetings that are planned outside of the IADR General Session and/or the annual Region/Division/Section meeting. If you have a scientific meeting coming up that may interest the Association's members, please send the information (name of the event, date, place and website if applicable) to Riana Hays at @email. Please note that this webpage will not list meetings that take place at the IADR General Sessions or AADOCR Annual Meetings because these meetings will be listed in the program book, online meeting's schedule, and app to reflect real time changes.PowerPoint presentation templates
If you have a PowerPoint Presentation and wish to include information about IADR, please contact @email. The Association will provide informational slides about IADR publications, meetings, awards and other general information. The IADR PowerPoint template may be used for these slides and the others in your presentation.IADR Promotional Toolkit
As an IADR Region/Division/Section volunteer, we encourage you to share information about the Association with colleagues when attending meetings, hosting events, and presenting. This toolkit is designed to provide you with the necessary materials for the promotion of IADR. Please visit the IADR Promotional Toolkit to download and share these resources. If you would like additional marketing items such as flyers and IADR-branded giveaway items, or have other special requests, please contact Elise Bender, marketing and communications manager, at mniner@iadr.org. -
Certificate Template Design
If you need a certificate created to recognize an award recipient in your Region/Division/Section, IADR can assist you with the template design. Please send the certificate content to Riana Hays, Component Relations Coordinator, at @email for layout support. It is the responsibility of the Region/Division/Section officer to provide the certificate content. IADR is not responsible for initiating the creation and issuance of recognition certificates for IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections, but IADR GHQ can assist Region/Division/Section during this process, if requested. -
IADR GHQ can provide guidance and resources to IADR Regions/Divisions/Sections for their officer elections. Any IADR Region/Division/Section planning an officer election must complete the Election Start Up Form. After IADR GHQ receives the Election Start Up Form from the IADR Region/Division/Section current officer, IADR GHQ will send a call for nominations to all eligible members and set an electronic ballot. The results of the election can be announced to all members of the IADR Region/Division/Section or these results can be announced during the IADR Region/Division/Section annual meeting.
If the IADR Region/Division/Section wishes to manage their own call for nominations/election process, IADR GHQ has also developed an Election Best Practices Guide to assist our volunteer leaders in the governance process.
The IADR Member discussion forum is a platform where Divisions/Sections can reach an audience of all IADR Members, to foster discussion, advertise events, store files, and make announcements. This platform is a direct avenue for leadership to interact directly with their membership. All content remains in the community for future reference and triggers an email the following morning. The Community also has a Member Directory where contact information can be found, and connections can be made. The log in credentials for the IADR Community match the IADR website. Any questions regarding the use of the Community can be directed to @email.
Questions about governance?