About Us
GOHIRN offers a supportive forum for conducting and presenting research in all aspects of oral health where inequalities exist, and pursues a local, national and global agenda.
At GOHIRN, one of our main tasks is to advance knowledge and research on oral health inequalities globally. Our collective efforts in engaging in research and educational activities related to oral health inequalities will, hopefully, lead to action and policy changes, so that eventually we will improve health for everyone and thus diminish global inequalities in health and oral health.
We hope that you enjoy the information on our GOHIRN site. We look forward to connecting with you via our social media, emails as well as meeting you in person.
GOHIRN Webinars

IADR Global Oral Health Inequalities Research Network (GOHIRN) Travel Award for New Investigators
We are excited to announce the GOHIRN Travel Award marking 15 years of our network and designed to support two early career researchers from low to upper-middle-income countries in attending the IADR General Session & Exhibition. This award encourages early career researchers to advance research in oral health inequalities and provides financial support to present their work at this prestigious event.